Pelaporan Program dan Aktiviti bagi Jabatan Pengajian Am 
Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan  

Jabatan Pengajian Am (5) & Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (14)
13 April 2017
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Kumpulan Sasaran
Mahasiswa/siswi Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia (Sasaran = 100 orang)
Kejayaan / Pencapaian
Perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman (Language Games)
Disediakan oleh
Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam
Objektif Program
a)Berkongsi ilmu/ pengetahuan dengan pihak Politeknik Negeri Padang
Huraian: Objektif tercapai kerana mendapat maklumm balas positif (temubual) daripada para pensyarah dan sasaran kumpulan pelajar tentang betapa seronoknya Language Games yang disediakan
b)Mengkaji keberkesanan Language Games yang disediakan untuk tujuan program CSR tersebut
Huraian: Objektif tercapai kerana para peserta memberi penilaian (mean > 3, Good) untuk kelima-lima Language Games yang disediakan
Strategi Pelaksanaan
a)Memilih & merancang Language Games yang sesuai untuk kumpulan sasaran
b)Menyediakan Language Games & melatih pelajar fasilitator untuk membantu dalam menjayakan program dengan berkeyakinan
c) Mengadaptasi dan memurnikan Language Games supaya lebih sesuai dengan tahap dan minat kumpulan sasaran
Masalah / kekangan yang dihadapi
Jangkamasa slot yang diperuntukkan adalah terlalu pendek (jangka masa 1 – 1 ½ jam), oleh itu, language games yang dirancang pun perlu diadaptasi dari semasa ke semasa supaya boleh dijalankan dalam jangka masa yang diperuntukkan
Alatan Bantu
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk Language games
Impak Program
a. Berjaya berkongsi idea-idea mempelbagaikan Pengajaran & Pembelajaran BI melalui Language Games dengan para pensyarah PNP
b. Berjaya menguji keberkesanan language games dalam membantu pelajar dalam penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris
c. Berjaya meningkatkan motivasi dan keyakinan para pensyarah untuk menggunakan Language Games bagi meningkatkan keberkesanan proses pengajaran & pembelajaran
1)Gambar (dilampirkan sekali dengan laporan)
Senarai Nama Peserta
1. Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam 2. Pooganeswari Siteram Pillai 3. Kamarul Aina Bt Mohamed 4. Siti Faezah Bt Ahmad Sazali 5. Yeow Chee Kheong
Ringkasan Perjalanan Program


Written by: Catherine Nguoi                                    
Pictures taken by : Mohd Khairul Naim Bin Sameri

A total of five (5) lecturers from English Language Unit, General Studies Department (JPA), namely, Catherine Nguoi, Kamarul Aina, Pooganeswari, Siti Faezah and Yeow Chee Kheong were involved in a CSR Programme-Language Games in Padang, Indonesia on 13 April 2017.

The preparation for the programme began in March 2017. Each lecturer-in-charge was assigned the task to propose a language game to be played in a duration of  10-15 minutes as the duration stipulated for our entire slot was 1 -  1 ½ hour. A few succeeding meetings were conducted to discuss, choose and finalize the games.

The details of the five station games are as follows:

Station 1: GrammaLEGOrian

The GrammaLegorian was designed as a two stage game where in the first stage the participants rearrange the Lego to form 2 (4 syllabic) words and in the second stage the participants are required to add affixes to form new words. The students managed to successfully complete the first stages. All the groups managed to complete the task within the time limit. The participants were briefed on the syllabic sounds of a word and the functions of affixes in word formation. The Lego games and the worksheets were given to the English Department of Politeknik Negeri Padang as PNP tool.

GrammaLEGOrian- Pooganeswari Siteram Pillai

Station 2 : Dominoes Game

 The participants were introduced with a game named dominoes game. The dominoes contain the preposition of time and places in one side while the expression of time and places on the other side. This game provided an opportunity for participants to learn preposition using an interactive and interesting way. Besides that, this game also helped the participants to understand the concept of preposition easily and correctly. At the end of the session, participants managed to complete the game using correct preposition of time and places.

Dominoes Game- Kamarulaina Bt. Mohamed

Station 3 : Toss The Bean Bags

 The game required students to build sentences and present a short story based on all the sentences that they had built after tossing a tiny bean bag into a small container. The game had achieved its objective as most of the game participants were able to abide by the rules of the game. They seemed to enjoy the game as reflected by their enthusiasm while trying to accomplish the given tasks. The winners of this game were rewarded with small gifts that would help boost their morale while taking part in other games.

 Toss the Bean Bags- Yeow Chee Kheong

Station 4– Human Tic-Tac-Toe


 The first group began with 14 students, where we expected each group will be around 20 students. So, we divided the students into two groups that consist 7 students each. We thought at first it was going to be a problem if we did not have enough number of students. Nonetheless, there was no problem at all because they managed to finish the games within time. Besides, the students were excited to play the games as they had to race between groups to be the fastest one on the chairs and guess the antonym words. Continuing with the second until the fifth team, this time around they were getting hyper. Thanks to facilitator from Politeknik Negeri Padang, he assisted our facilitators in giving the instructions as well as being one of the players whenever we had only odd number of students in every group. Therefore, as suggestions for the next time, our team should improve in terms of antonym word selection so that it matches with their level. Besides, the facilitators should be more energetic and lively in giving the instructions so it could grab the participants’ attentions to play the game.                                                                                     
 Human Tic-Tac-Toe- Siti Faezah Bt Ahmad Sazali

Station 5– Scoop, Seed & Speak!

Participants were very excited when they dropped the last ‘seed’ into an occupied ‘house’ as they were required to draw a challenge card and put forth a suggestion of the intended product based on the clues given. Although some of the participants were found struggling with the language in order to justify their points, their friends were very helpful as they suggested ideas in the attempt to help clarify the points presented. The most exciting moment came when some of the players were triggered to challenge the earlier claims made by their friends. When the participants put forth their new claims, argued with other players and justified their new points in the attempt to convince other players to accept their answers, they managed to overcome their nervousness and develop their confidence to speak. It can thus be concluded that this game has provided ample room for language development in view of the opportunities made available for the participants to produce pushed output and notice the linguistic gaps. Congratulations to all the participants!!!                                                                     
Scoop, Seed & Speak! - Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam
With the students from Politeknik Negeri Padang
With the lecturers from Politeknik Negeri Padang

With the lecturers from Politeknik Negeri Padang

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